Such a passion for so long. Just the beginning here of sharing. While this is a quick reference.
Adding now my most current traditional empowerment I received August 2021 Heruka and Vajrayogini transmission, as well as in January of 2022; renewing my vows and inspiring further depth. It’s always helpful to receive transmissions and empowerments even if I’ve done them many times.
I’ve been a dedicated meditation practitioner since 2002 and trained Teacher of the Wisdom sutras, Mahayana and Bodhisattva path. Teaching at Hawaiian Sanctuary in 2018 and Kalanimua in Hawaii in 2019 and 2020. I offered a weekly online collective meditation in 2020 and 2021.
Now I offer guided meditation and transmissions of teachings at special events and more exclusively: one on one guided meditation through my introductory offer and in a more dedicated process through your investment in a personal immersion to practice conscious embodiment, train your wisdom within and warrior rising. I encourage everyone to make meditation part of their lifestyle and self-care routine. The image shows more detail on my past journey with this lineage: