Wisdom Within

Mindsets for an activated lifestyle.  

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Wisdom Within

Acknowledging that we are the creators of our experience and have the answers, power and creative impetus within us to clarify, reveal and redeem our energy and path in life. 

Photographer Lesly Weiner

Warrior Rising

Having honored the inner journey refining our awareness and wisdom, we activate our strength and drive to create what we want, live with energetic alignment, motivation and integrated action.  

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Mindsets for an Activated Lifestyle

Questioning our experience and being curious about how life unfolds, what makes creativity fulfilling and appreciated; embracing deep questions that lead to our empowerment is foundational to refining our mindset.  Clarifying the point of view, verifying how we are in alignment with it, and then the intention we most desire are important components to affirming the mindsets we want to ritualize.  Then choosing more and more consciously these mindsets as rituals within our activated lifestyle.    

  1. What perception can I create that aligns with virtues (trust-worthy core values)?
  2. What am I feeling? 
  3. What is possible?
  4. What impact do I want to create in the world?
  5. What support do I need? How can others benefit and support my practice/values/goal
  6. How can I connect to other’s experience, their feelings and needs?
  7. How am I prioritizing my efforts in what I know is purposeful and reliable? 
  8. What beliefs and boundaries are based in fear vs co-creation?
  9. What change am I willing to concentrate on?
  10. What have I noticed that I can celebrate based on efforts? 
  11. How does it feel to be completely free, embodied wisdom and pure love?

Wisdom Within

  1.  What perception can I create to create the virtues I trust? 

Wisdom within, start the creative process within.  Knowing through meditation and logic, that my perception creates my experience.  Practice meditation. Clarify virtues that instill trust in a reality we want to be in and co-create.  

Conscious Embodiment

  1.  What am I feeling? 

Feel to heal.  Feeling allows awareness, movement allows creative transformation, my body shares it’s messages through awareness of feeling.


  1. What is possible?

Imagine to create.  Acceptance in the positive orienting the view toward the opportunity for growth and creation.  


  1.  What impact do I want to create in the world?

What is the desire, what do I want to create? Utilizing intuition and discipline, (a nature quest?) to choose and allow for what wants to be created with the greatest alignment. 


  1. What support do I need? How can others benefit and support my practice/values/goal

Clarity on needs and the interdependence of co-creation, unity with community.  


  1. How can I connect to other’s experience, their feelings and needs?

Compassion and empathy leads to empowerment. Clearing the disempowerment of discord and generating the clarity of understanding. 


  1. How am I prioritizing my efforts in what I know is purposeful and reliable? What do I rely on in faith?

Creative energy elicits vitality when aligned with what I know I want, is purposeful to me, that I have faith in enough to rely on.  Aligning efforts with what values and beliefs I’m in full consent of.  


  1. What beliefs and boundaries are based in fear vs co-creation?

Believing is a choice, when I am conscious of how it is creating our experience.  Check that a boundary isn’t fear based or too externalized rather supports an inner state of connection. 


  1. What change am I willing to concentrate on?

Re-quest… In order to experience a new result or test for the best alignment.  Going on a quest. Inner and retreat, vision quest in nature.  Determining the commitment to the discipline and process. 

Joyful Embodiment

  1. What have I noticed I can celebrate based on efforts? 

Feeling the fulfillment, enjoying some dimension of completion and celebration.

Divine Truth

  1. How does it feel to be completely free, embodied wisdom and pure love?

Practicing the Vajrayana Tantra of enlightenment, via imagination and cultivation of perceptive energies.  Dedicating the transformation in practice of intentional mindsets for an active lifestyle to ultimate freedom, wisdom and love wishing this for all.  

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